seattle's going under is my award winning emmy nominated
fanfic series involving gordon freemind and barmey calhoun.
what if they actually knew each other in the series? what if they even... kissed? i think it would be cool. so i wrote about it. YAY!
here's my sgu playlist if you're a music head

to seattle (26,381 words)
Chapters: 7
Rating: mature
Relationships: barmey calhoun/gordon freemind
Characters: barmey calhoun, gordon freemind
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Freemind bullies Barmey into driving him to Seattle for unclear (...maybe even nefarious?) reasons. Barmey isn't sure, but he knows this: no way it's going to end well. Nothing ever really does when Freemind is involved.
Or, Freemind struggles to express himself in a way that Barmey can understand. Barmey... doesn't understand much. They go on a road trip!
out like a light (61,807 words)
Chapters: 9
Rating: mature
Relationships: barmey calhoun/gordon freemind, felix freeman & gordon freemind
Characters: barmey calhoun, gordon freemind, felix freeman, original characters
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After his father up and dies, Barmey travels to his hometown in South Carolina. Freemind tags along; he’s actually trying to make their new relationship work!
…but it's difficult when he doesn't know how and his brain is actively working against him.