blog zone

new text document (7).txt


7.29.2023 was the first time I started getting personal on this website.
6.6.2024 was the last time.
10.19.2024 is today.
welcome to gore processing. (work in progress obviously)

i can't say i will use this blog often. i don't have much to say. sometimes, there may be randomized text. while they are secret messages, they are indecipherable. don't bother with them.

despite being the webmaster, this site isnt about me. it's about interests and sharing art and resources. so then, why blog? i have struggled with the concept of blogging for years. do i really have anything interesting enough to say that it's worth to be put inbeteween two <p> tags? unlikely.

but it's good to be somewhat open, no? so i'll try a little. but, more likely than not, the blogs will be mostly barren unless i think i have something good to say or share. perhaps i can talk about video games or youtuber/streamers or my current techniques and coping mechanisms.

current game(s): ultrakill, lisa
current show: house m.d.


i stole this from w3schools. check them out if you haven't already! click the image above to go to their site.