eggs ∙ 2023 [music]

good god, none of this is real
bloody eggshells, fingers bitten to stubs
cold yolk between my toes
the ocean burns my ankles
relentless words
silky skin

ok, it's ok, we're ok

a piercing dullness blows a hole through my skull
cracked egg
the wet and unpleasant birth of a brain
god, am i a bad person?
don't speak to me
pick up your breadcrumbs
the concieted fool, a glaring reflection
aimless ramblings,
drunk, hazy, upset
tears stuck to glossy eyes, refusing to spill
LED halo, how holy, how false
you are a damn puppet

Plato casts me to his cave and the laughter echoes from the walls
but i have seen the surface, and i keep it in mind
do you really think like that?
every piece is so discordant, the coherency exists only in my mind
red string corkboards, photos of space
cerebral egg white leaking from my nose
forcefully remove yourself from the picture
like the stone a young boy spikes into the stream
as the nearby tree casts a warm, spotty shadow on his face
and he laughs at how a stray droplet lands on his cheek
and the ripples tickle his toes
his palms are grimy and mud has caked under his fingernails
he lost a tooth a few weeks ago, breaking the skin of a green apple stained red
and his mother made him breakfast but the there was shell in his scrambled eggs
the dead stare of a chicken, the despondant eyes of a fish, the eroded truth of a stone
how well-rounded you are, lacking in everything interesting
a single look is needed to tell you'll skip across the pond surface
but you sink
we all sink
sink to the bottom
where edges soften, where sediment collects

do you have a reason here?
yes --- but the context exists over seas, and you'll never make the trip
i settle into my seat and sigh. "I dunno..."
my shrink quirks an eyebrow. "what good does it do you? really think about this"
"approval? i'm an attention whore."
the baton rattles along the bars, men don't give him a second glance --- you can't intimidate the jaded
"i'm scared," she cries, covering her eyes.
"don't be," says her mother. "it's just a nightmare. it's not real."
it is real
it isn't real
none of it was real
do you think you're clever?
i think i'm a liar
dogpile, crowd crush, don't breathe
keep switching channels, maybe that'll do it
i don't belong here
and i'm sorry


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