stunted ∙ 2023 [music]

a dead, barren world with words carved in stone
the imagination dimly flickers, each word registering seperately but cannot be strung together in any meaningful way
nonsensical bulletpoints
a brain twists itself into knotted oblivion, gray matter ouroboros cannibalizing and cold
why don't any of the words click?
over and over and over and over
read it again and again and again and again
it's a guide, or it should be, yet every ounce of comprehension has drained down your spine
it's dark and freezing, raising flesh,
promising simplicity and ease
yet there are no pictures scrawled in rotten wood
but you try and try and try
the frustration building under your skin like a bottlerocket
curling your fingers like taught wire
surely you missed a step somewhere, because you've done everything right
but it feels intrinsically wrong
you are inherently wrong
and it claws at your throat and ribs,
frustration, indignation, because why?
is it you who is incompetent?
or the words scratched in front of you?
it's mind bending, it's raw, it's fleeting, and you are debilitatingly stupid.

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