Fun Sites
- 17th Century Death Roulette
- 3D Driving Simulator on Google Maps
- Abandoned America
- Animorph Bot
- Apple Rankings
- Asteroid Launcher
- Astronaut
- Big Box Collection
- Birds of North America
- Blob Balance
- Bongo Cat
- Bored Button
- Bouncing DVD logo
- Cameron's World
- Checkbox Olympics
- Click
- Cloud Hiker
- Colosseum
- Cut Bread!
- Cyberlife
- Daniel's Stamp Collection
- Darwin Awards
- Drive Me Insane
- Dscript
- Eel slap!
- Emoji Kitchen
- Every Second
- Experiment 1
- FlagMaker
- Free Game Planet
- Frogland
- Gilad's Origami Page
- Gucci Mascara Hunt
- Guess The Price
- HTML5 Deck of Cards
- Inspirobot
- Jigsaw Puzzle World
- Just Type Stuff
- Kaleidoscope Painter
- komaeda
- Learning Synths Playground
- Listen to Wikipedia
- maninthedark
- Metaflora
- Metazooa
- micropolisJS
- Minesweeper Online
- MrBeastify Your Thumbnail
- NSTMF Gravity
- Nukemap
- Ocean Desert
- Origami by MichaĆ Kosmulski
- Origami Simulator
- Orb.Farm
- Pepe pepe pepe
- Petit tube
- Planet Compare
- Pointer Pointer
- PokeClicker
- PokeSprite
- Polar Bear in a Snowstorm
- put it on a pedestal
- Random Trivia Generator
- rocketcrab
- Rotating Food Gifs
- Rotating Sandwiches
- sandspiel
- Scanwiches
- Screen Walks
- Settera World/Countries Quizzes
- ShadeMap
- Slap Kirk
- s l o w r o a d s
- The Picture Of Everything
- The Wiki Game
- Trampoline Toy
- Ultimate Mushroom Library
- URL Lengthener
- Useless Web
- WasArrested
- Web Design Museum
- WebGL Fluid Simulation
- What does the internet think?
- What's My Starbucks Name?
- Who's That Pokemon?
- Wikidata Card Game Generator
- Windows 95 HTML Recreation
- WindowSwap
- Wojak Paradise
- Wolfman Museum of Art
- World of Pixels
- Wordle
- xkcd
- Your World Of Text