Click something →
- W3Schools has a lot of useful info on HTML/CSS (and actual programming languages too!)
- Neocities has a resouces/tutorial stuff list (I am not original).
- Sadgrl's HTML & CSS tuts and guides.
- A Beginners Guide to HTML and CSS
- Responsive Page Design
- Dash- learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript for websites
- Grid Garden- learn CSS and grids in fun garden game :3
- Ground floor- learn HTML tags
- CSS Diner- learn CSS in a game
- MDN Web Docs
- CSS Cheat Sheet (also has HTML and JS stuff)
- Dokodemo website tutorial
- HTML Cheat Sheet
- uncannyvalley's coding tutorials- visual novel and dress-up game
- CodePen- HTML, CSS, Java coding in browser.
- RV's free Javascript/DHTML effects
- ScRIPted Resources- resource list
- Ishimori- resource list
- Word to HTML
- Loveberry- resource list
- TEMPLATERR- resource list
- Snipplr- code snippets repository
- Wix- website builder
- HOTGLUE.ME- website builder and publisher, no coding needed
- Tessisamess' Code Tester
- Interactive CSS Grid Generator
- Perchance- random word generator that's liek html and stuff
- HScripts- free webmaster resources
- Web accessibility eval tools
- CSS Scan's Buttons
- FreeFrontend CSS Text Effects
- Box-shadow generator
- CSSmatic- CSS tools
- Custom Scrollbar Maker
- HTML Text Colorizer
- Clippy- CSS clip-path maker
- Text Color Fader/Gradient
- CSS Gradient
- CSS Gradiant Generator
- uiGradients
- Shape Divider App- easy shape divider generator
- Frameworks
- Vaporwave aesthetic by torch2424
- Windows 98 framework by jdan
- system.css by sakofchit
- Windows desktop style by Mposam
- LCARS website template
- CLI/CRT/Terminal
- Old Timey Terminal by Chris Coyier
- Retro CRT Terminal Screen by Edwin
- CSS CRT Display
- CRT overlay by oudkee
- Music Players
- multiple song music player- by sky_blue on pastebin
- SCM Music Player
- win98 music player- by LOVEBERRY on pastebin
- Animation
- Hover.css (effects for hovering) by ianlunn
- Animista- on demand css animations
- Animated Backgrounds with CSS
- CSS Layouts by phuocng
- Dynamic Drive CSS Library
- EGGRAMEN's Templates
- espace templates
- John Doe's page- a JavaScript-like page written entirely in html/css (used for this page!)
- Rarebit- A free, open-source webcomic template built in HTML and JavaScript
- Sadgrl's Layout Builder
- Tessisamess- layouts, codes, tutorials, and resources
- Foollovers- layouts, icons, wallpapers
- Almost Sweet
- Straw.Page
- Sporesgalaxy's codes
- cepheus' codes
- owlsrooster's templates
- REPTH themes
- Awhe's Templates
- teppy's layouts and tips
~Templates/Website Builders~
- Roadmaps- check the guide for your language of choice
- W3Schools
- CodePen- HTML, CSS, Java coding in browser.
- Codewars- gamified coding
- Snipplr- code snippets repository
- Learn X in Y Minutes
- Giraffe Academy- coding courses
- Advent of Code- coding challenges. you can edit the url to change the year
- freeCodeCamp
- Code Beauitfy- a bunch of beautification and validation tools
- Python Roadmap
- W3Schools has a Python course and a great place to reflect back on!
- Codecademy course
- Invent with Python
- Some videos I like and think are helpful yes :)
- Programming With Mosh (beginner level) (6hrs)
- Python as Fast as Possible (beginner level) (1hr 19m)
- A Guide to Building A Video Game In Python (pdf)
- Python Random Number Generator: the Random Module || Python Tutorial || Learn Python Programming (7 mins)
- Python challenges and projects :3
- Six Quick Python Projects- web scraping program, renaming bulk files, getting weather info, countdown timer, password generator, python QR code
- 12 Beginner Python Projects - Coding Course - mad libs, guess the number (computer), guess the number (user), rock paper scissors, hangman, tic tac toe, tic tac toe ai, binary search, minesweeper, sudoku solver, photo manipulation, markov chain text composer
- A guide to building a video game in python
- rock paper scissors- i like this one but i reccomend using formatted strings
- app ideas by florinpop17 on github
- Twine
- ChoiceScript- text choice games
- Bitsy
- GB Studio- retro
- game development articles, publications, papers, resources
- Visual Novels
- Tutorials
~Game Making~
Some of these don't technically involve coding, but game making and coding go hand in hand, technical or not.
- Artists Against Apartheid
- JustSketchMe
- DesignDoll (have to download)
- Masc Head Poser- by William Nguyen on Artstation
- Fem Head Poser- by William Nguyen on Artstation
- Reference Angle- head pose search
- Pose Search- body/limb pose search
- Human Anatomy for Artist Unnofical Search Helper- this is the same thing as the previous link but it specifically searches this site (also linked in next section)
- Animal Photo Art Ref- animal skull pose search
- PoseMy.Art
- Perspective Grid- not a poser, but a useful grid you can use and screenshot to use for your art
- Poseit (app for phone)
- Easy Pose (app for phone)
- AdorkaStock- pose archive
- Art Models
- Bodies in Motion
- Characterdesigns
- Comparing Heights
- Figurosity
- Height Weight Chart- reference for how someone would look depending on their height and weight.
- Human Anatomy for Artist
- JookpubStock
- Kibbitzer's Patreon- you've probably seen these references before. tons of character poses!
- Line of Action
- Photo Muscle- muscle-y anatomy specific
- Photo References for Comic Artists
- Quickposes- figure practice
- SenshiStock
- SketchDaily
- Artstation
- Artvee
- Cloud Appreciation Society's Gallery
- Consumer Aesthetics Research Initiative
- Creative Commons
- Getty Images
- Global Street Art
- Library of Congress
- Moguefile
- NASA Images
- NASA Photojournal
- NASA Picture of the Day Archive
- New York Public Library (public domain)
- Open Access to the National Gallery of Art
- Openverse
- Pexels
- Photoref- free and cheap photo bundles
- PidgiWiki- video game art
- Pinterest- stolen art gets reposted here a lot, scroll down for the link to report if your art gets stolen on pinterest
- Pixabay
- Same Energy- visual search engine
- Street Art Utopia
- Smithsonian Open Access
- The Models Resource- art (like models) from games
- The Spriters Resource- art (like sprites) from games
- Unsplash
- Vecteezy
- VIShopper
- Wildlife Reference Photos for Artists
- Colors
- Accessible color palette builder
- Color Hex Color Codes
- Coolors
- Color Hunt
- Paletton
- Picalatte- type a word, get a palette
- Reactry Shades
- Werner's Nomenclature of Colours
- OKLCH Color Picker & Converter
- Name all the colors
- Image Color Palatte Generator
- Colr- get palette from image
- Color Contrast Checker
- Picular- type a word, get a bunch of colors
- @color-palettes on tumblr
- Color blender- two hexes, up ten intermediary colors. pretty gradient!
- CoMiGo's Palette Generator
- Colormind
- Colour Lovers- community of people sharing colors and patterns
- Clothes
- National Clothing
- Claire Hummel's Historical Fashion Reference & Resources
- Metropolitan Museum of Art's Clothes Collection
- OSF Costume Rentals
- Art Collections and Books and stuff
- Mega folder of video game, manga, and anime artbooks
- Ace Attorney art collection
- Queer Zine Archive
- Strange Sisters- archive of lesbian paperback artwork from the 50s and 60s
- Gay on the Range- archive of gay paperback artwork from the 50s and 60s
- Pokemon staff art
- WebMuseum
- Google Arts & Culture
- Random
- Roomsketcher- NOT A SITE. but. build a room
- Floorplanner- this one is a site but you need an account
- Character Generator- gives you a desc to draw
- What to Draw- gives you photo to draw
- This Person Does Not Exist
- Floor Plan Creator
- Proko
- Drawabox
- Drawing Tutorials- step by step guides (which you can stylize to fit your need)
- Artstation Learning
- Marshall Vandruff
- Warrior Art Camp
- Schoolism
- tips for painless mspaint experience
- Jerry's Artarama- bunch o free videos on a variety of drawing things
- Art Edu- carrd of art educational places and sites and whatever
- Ctrl+Paint- digital painting tuts
- Love Life Drawing
- drawstuffrealeasy
- Ethan Becker- general art tips & advice
- Joshua Jacobo- gestures and scuplting. Founded NMA which has free youtube classes here
- Kaycem- bootcamp, tutorials, and tips
- LavenderTowne- character design + drawing videos
- Marc Brunet- general art tips and advice
- Marco Bucci- general art tips and advice
- Pitch Canker- horror art
- Sinix Design- specifically, their Anatomy Quick Tips playlist
- Sycra- general art tips and advice. great videos!
- Free Drawing Books
- Loomis Books
- Free books on character design, digital art/painting, beginners guides.. yah
- Figure Drawing for All it's Worth by Andrew Loomis - Internet Archive (free)
- Force: Drawing Human Anatomy by Mike Mattesi - Bookshop (paid) & Internet Archive (free)
- The Morpho: Anatomy for Artists series by Michel Lauricella
- All- Bookshop (paid)
- Morpho: Fat and Skin Folds- Internet Archive (free), & Dropbox
- Constructive Anatomy by Geroge B. Bridgemen- Bookshop (paid), Internet Archive (free), & Scott Eaton PDF (free)
- Pixel Logic - A Guide to Pixel Art by Michafrar - buy here, it's 10$ and is updated for free. Has good reviews
- Professional Paper Mache books by Dan Reeder
- Creating Animated Cartoons with Character by Joe Murray - free here. Joe Murray made Rocko's Modern Life and Camp Lazlo.
- Figure Drawing: Design and Invention by Michael Hampton- Amazon & Archive (free)
- Mechaforce: Draw Futuristic Robots That Fly, Fight, Battle And Brawl by E.J. Su - Amazon
- Color and Light by James Gurney - Internet Archive (free)
- Paint- ye olde mspaint
- Kidpix
- Kaleidoscope Painter
- Monster Mash- 3d maker/animator
- Piskel- pixel art
- Kleki
- Shake Art DELUXE by nokoi
- Checkbox Painter
- FlagMaker
- Lospec Pixel Editor
- draw with friends!
- Draw with Words
- Mecabricks- build with legos
- SculptGL- sculpt in your browser
- Wigglypaint
- Light Brush
- Pixilart
- ASCII Art Archive
- ASCII Art Collection
- ASCII Art Generator
- Star Trek ASCII Art
- .a.s.c.i.i.p.r.0.n.
- Vograce- custom keychains + stickers
- NOT a selling thing, but you can submit your art to the tumblr radar for exposure that could get you some commisions or somehting..
- Many marketplaces are set up in a way that harms the seller; if you're unsatisfied with mainstream storefronts, maybe try out Artisans Cooperative or goimagine
- Tumblr DMCA
- DeviantArt DMCA
- Instagram Report Infringement
- Facebook Report Infringement
- Twitter Report Infringement
- Pinterest DMCA
- Youtube Request Takedown
- Yahoo DMCA
- Google Report Infringement
- How I DRAW FACES step by step | Mistakes & tips (youtube)
- Draw Gesture with ONE shape: Never draw ArMs or LeGs - EVAR! (youtube)
- tumblr masterpost on guides to drawing nonwhite ppl
- guide to drawing fat ppl + some other links to other guides
- make digital art look watercolor-y and papery
- a guide to visually designing wheelchair-using characters
- Understanding Shadow Colors (Ambient Light Part 2) (youtube)
- HOW TO DRAW SIMPLE FACES (easy) (youtube)
- How to Shade Metal (reflective Surfaces) (youtube)
- how to do the 80's anime effect using paint tool sai (youtube) (you can do this with other programs too. ibis ftw)
- FINALLY! I've learned how to easily add color to a grayscale painting! (youtube)
- How to Draw: Foreshortening with the Coil Technique (youtube)
- How to Draw The Figure in Perspective - Foreshortening (youtube)
- uncannyvalley's (digital) painting tutotial
- Color theory for pixel artists
- how to DRAW the head and neck! (Basic to Advanced) | Full Drawing Tutorial - Art Bootcamp #01/30 (youtube)
- how to hit your guys with the crust rays- making faces older
Not sure where to put this, so I'll put it here. Glaze and Nightshade are tools that makes your art unpalatable to AI and generative systems. ArtShield is in the browser.
~Art to Fight Back~
~People References/Figure Practice~
Just as a warning. There is artistic nudity in a lot of these sites.
Popular resource Croquis Cafe is likely a Trump supporter. The original post has since been deleted, but the absence is obvious (this was posted a day after the Trump image; read the first line). Don't support Croquis Cafe.
~Photo/Inspiration Websites~
~Art in your Browser~
Haven't sold anything myself, so these are resources collected from me observing my mutuals or other artists. Be sure to look into it to make sure it's what you want!
~Reporting Stolen Artwork~
~Specific Guides~
Stuff in this portion is guides/tips I find helpful/relevant/useful so expect it to be all over the place
- Merriam Webster- thesaurus and dictionary.
- OneLook Dictionary and Thesaurus
- Vocabulary
- Words-to-Use- contextual synonyms.
- The Free Dictionary
- Tip of My Tongue- find the word you can't remember
- Rhymezone
- Drugs and/or illegal stuff
- Erowid- trip reports
- Drug Times- drug info
- Havocscope- drug/blackmarket info and prices. IT FINALLY WORKS AGAIN!!!! (if it doesn't work, just try the wayback machine :3)
- Diversity Style Guide
- One Stop for Writers- dictionary for emotions, themes, and so much more
- Scarleteen- sex education
- Writing Realistic Injuries
- Writing upper arm prosthetics- a good read through if you want to write a character with upper arm prosthetics
- Writing With Color
- EADeverell- creative writing blog
- Challenging Fatphobic Language in Writing: Some Alternative Vocabularies
- writing tips, roleplaying advice, random idea generators, etc etc
- The Sifter- food throughout the history of the world
- Yardsticks- book in the open library. about kids, so if you're writing a kid it might help
- Resources for describing phyiscal things
- A Poetry Handbook by Mary Oliver (on Archive)
- Modern Poetry (open Yale course)
- Readable rates readability.
- Hemmingway Editor is another readability rater.
- LanguageTool- this is like grammarly but free (no stupid account required)
- PaperRater- proof reader, grammar check, and plagiarism detection
- StimuWrite 2- writing app for neurodivergent people
- The Official Written? Kitten!- shows you a picture of a kitten when you hit your target words. if you add ?search=dinosaur to the URL, it shows dinosaurs instead. you can mess around with that to show different pictures
- DND Character Generator
- Fantasy name generators- NOT JUST FANTASY. TONS OF STUFF.
~Dictionary & Thesaurus~
~Descriptions & Experiences~
~Places to Write~
- Compression Sorcery- by Neonaut
- Height Comparison
- Compress JPEG
- RapidTables- online calculators & tools
- Text to Speech Online
- TinyWow- PDF, image, video, and file tools
- iLovePDF- PDF tools
- Word to HTML
- TinyPNG- image compression
- HandBrake- video conversion tool
- MakeMKV- another video conversion tool
- Generator Land- make generators
- Webpage Archive- achives websites (duh). can be used to get past paywalls
- Winaero Tweaker- Windows Tweaks
- Corrupt My File- corrupt a file.
- Savesubs- download video subs
- Text to ASCII Art Generator
- Actual Size Online Ruler
- Broken Link Checker
- FreeFormater- free online tools for developers
- HEX to RGB
- Blue Screen
- Center of My Screen
- LCD monitor test images
- EIZO Monitor Test
- Screen size map- compare viewport sizes
- video downloader
- Y2mate- download yt vids
- How to Download Files (like yt vids) Using VLC Media Player
- Catbox
- Litterbox- temp hosting
- imgbox
- Wormhole
- File Garden
- Imgur
- Mediafire
- Dropbox
- Postimages
- Krita-digital art. free and open source. windows, linux, and macos
- GIMP- gnu image manipulation program. free and open source. windows, linux, and macos
- Blender- 3d modler. free and open source. windows, linux, and macos
- OpenToonz- 2d animation. free and open source. windows, macos
- Inkscape- vector editor. free and open source. windows, linux, and macos
- LibreSprite- pixel art. free and open source. windows, linux, and macos
- LibreCreative- lookup open source/free software
- I'll probably actually break this image down and have each thing individually linked + the helpful info (and the og tweet linked like it is now) but i feel lazy rn. will do that later
~Video Download~
~File Hosting/Sharing~
~Art/Photo Programs~
~Adobe Alternatives~

- Boil the Frog- pick two artists, makes a playlist through the genres
- Music-Map- find similar music to an artist
- Gnoosic- music reccomendations based on artists you like
- Forgotify- find obscure, underated music that has been "forgotten" on Spotify
- tunefind- music from TV shows & movies
- Every Noise at Once- many genres to search from
- Musgle- Google (dorking) for music
- ccMixter- remixes and samples and music forums
- Girl and queer bands
- Mydora- lost MySpace archive of music
- Radiooooo- worldwide radio
- WFMU- online radio
- Video Game Music- game bg music for download
- Radio Garden- worldwide radio
- Judge My Music- judge your Spotify/Apple Music listening habits
- Obscurify- statistics about your listening habits
- Icebergify- your artists on an iceberg graph
- Receiptify- your listening habits on a receipt
- What The Fuck Should I Listen To Right Now?- input artist, get reccomendation (and a feeling lucky button!)
- Audionautix
- Youtube Audio Library
- Free Music Archive
- Icompetech
- Musopen- also has sheet music
- Bandlab
- JummBox- in browser
- Audiotool
- Online Sequencer- in browser
- Online Tone Generator- generate one note
- Learning Synths- fun in browser learning, or you can skip straight to the playground
- Learning Music- same as above but for music in general. playground
- BeepBox- in browser
- sonic garbage- in browser
- CardboardBox- in browser
- Tinkersynth- in browser
~Finding Music~
~Music Collections~
~Royalty Free Music~
~Make Music~
- Cambridge in Color- learning community for photographers
- Photopea- online photo editor
- Lunapic- online photo editor
- Pixlr- online photo editor
- Magic Eraser- upload photo, erase details
- Online Image Editor
- remove background
- remove objects
- Rasterbator- wall art generator
- Compression Sorcery- by Neonaut
- Transparent Textures
- PhotoMosh- make your photos all glitchy and jittery
- Gradient Image Generator
- Glitch Image Generator
- Dither It!
- Dither Me This
- Online PNG Tools
- PixelMe- upload pic then it be pixel art-ed
- Kapwing Video Trimmer
- Streamable- video downloader/clipper
- Jitter- simple motion design tool
- HandBrake- video conversion tool
- MakeMKV- another video conversion tool
- Backgrounds Archive
- MakeBackground- make live background/wallpaper
- Stripe Generator- stripe tiled generator
- TextureTown
- tiny backgrounds- tiny tiled backgrounds by @uchihaclan on CodePen
- repeater- make tiled backgrounds
- Seamless Pattern Generation
- Tessisamess' Pattern Directory
- ffflux- svg scgfluid gradient background generator
- Haikei- background maker, svg or png
- Flamingtext- logo generator
- Death Generator-old game text templates
- Earthbound Text
- TEXTANIM- animated text generator
- Gigaglitters- glitter text generator
- FromSoft Image Macro Creator
- 3DTextMaker
- ezgif- gif maker and editor (and webp converter)
- 3D Gif Maker
- petpet- make petting gif
- Online Gif Tools
- icon and animation generator
- Pixiz
- PicMix
- Glitter Graphics
- GifCities- gif archive
- GifCity- graphics collection
- Animated Images
- Gifs Paradise
- Blog Gif- gif maker and editor
- Pixel Sea Gif Printer- cute thingy
- Another Gallery of Rotating Food
- Pixel Safari
- animatedglittergraphics-n-more
- Cute web graphics
- Google drive folder of graphics- here's the guide for it
- Boodle Box silly website awards
- PNG images
- pngfarm
- CoolSpaceTricks- oldweb gifs and layouts
- Button Museum- actual buttons. like real ones.
- 88x31 Web Button Maker
- The 88x31 Gif Collection
- Blinkies Cafe
- Blinkie Maker
- JassuMKiddos' Stamp Tutorial
- Userbox Maker
- another userbox maker
- DeviantArt Stamps
- ACA Systems- userbox maker
- fluffmoth's id buttons- also here's a searchable database of em. (they're badges)
- stamp templates: one, two
- Sadgrl's Forum Signature Maker
- Flaticon
- Lordicon- has animated icons too
- Mazeguy Smilies
- OpenMoji- open source project with f2u emojis
- Windows 98 Icons
~Gif and Graphics~
~Buttons, Stamps, Blinkies, & Badges~
~Icons and Emojis~
- Bold has a bunch of no-essay scholarships (as well as essay scholarships)
- Niche has scholarships, but also a lot of general help stuff for students.
- Unigo has a ridiculous amount of scholarships lol
- JLV College Counseling
- Going Merry- scholarships
- Fastweb- scholarship finder
- Resume Genius- resume builder
- Resume tips from Harvard (same pdf): one and two
- Indeed- job search
- IRS Free File taxes stuff
- MissingMoney- unclaimed claim/property search
- How to deposit a check (wikihow)
- How to Fill Out a Checking Deposit Slip (wikihow)
- Do your own Taxes (wikihow)
- 54 tips to save money
- Coupon Database
- Stop Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse
- Take It Down- help remove explicit photos of when you were under 18
- You feel like shit.- interactive guide to self care
- Background Noises- white noise and such things
- How to Swallow a Pill (wikihow)
- s l o w r o a d s- driving game, calming
- RecoverYourLife- self harm support community
- Embrace Autism- autism tests and informative blogs
- Therapist Aid- therapy worksheets and guide and stuff. for therapists to use, but you can look at 'em and do selfhelp
- dialectal behavioral therapy skill list
- What to do when you can't afford therapy
- Talk to someone
- Do Something's Hotline List
- Warmline Directory
- 211
- Trans Lifeline hotline
- Wildflower Alliance's Peer Support Line
- Key Consumer
- MBRLC Peer Support Line
- Watch this video if you have medical bills you can't pay, you may be entitled for the bills to be forgiven.
- a weird trick to get doctors to listen to you - ALSO!!!!! if a doctor refuses your request for a test, ask that the doctor's refusal be documented in your file.
- RxHope- patient assistance programs
- MyHeathFinder- health information
- NeedyMeds- help you afford your medications
- GoodRX- you've probably seen this one, another medication assistance service
- With the amount of shit in the air due to forest fires, here are two box fan purifier tutorials: (1) (2)
- How to Survive a Heart Attack When Alone (wikihow)
- 10 Things you Should Bring to Every Doctor's Appointment
- First apartment essentials checklist
- How to Vacuum Correctly (youtube short)
- CLS: How to Sweep (video)
- How to Sweep a Floor (wikihow)
- How to Mop a Floor (wikihow)
- How to Mop (tips for Mopping the Floor) (video)
- How to Do Laundry
- Laundry symbols explained
- 10 Tips for Washing Clothes at the Laundromat
- How to Fold Clothes (wikihow)
- How to Wash Dishes (wikihow)
- How to Clean Everything in your Kitchen! (video)
- Junebugging - A Cleaning Method for ADHD/ADD, Autism, & Depression (video)
- Cleaning Basics
- 7 Expert Cleaning Tips You nEed to Be Using (video)
- How to Clean a Shower Head and Shower Drain (video)
- How to Clean Everything in your Bathroom (video)
- How to Replace Install Air Filter Home HVAC Easy Simple (video)
- Living Room Cleaning Routine! (Clean With Me) (video)
- How to Clean Everything in Your Bedroom (video)
- how to take a shower (wikihow)
- some tips for showering if you're physically disabled
- tips to brushing teeth if it makes you uncomfortable
- how to shave (wikihow) - remember, shaving is NOT necessary from a hygiene standpoint as long as you clean yourself properly. hairy armpits and pubic reigions does NOT mean you are dirty and do NOT feel bad or pressured into shaving. shave if you WANT to.
- BuyNothing Project
- Freecycle
- trash nothing
- how to sew
- Charity Navigator- charity ratings and donor resources
- click these buttons each day to generate ad revenue to help causes like palestine and other ongoing issues
- PCRF- Palestine Children Relief Fund
- mutual aid masterpost
- BDS Movement- BDS stands for Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions. Gives information about who you should be boycotting to protest the treatment of Palestine by Israel
- Undue Medical Debt- help forgive medical debt
- Before I Play- wiki that tells you things you should know before you play a video game
- Can I Play That?- accessibility about videogames
- noclip
- Recommended Video Games Emulators for Windows
- Universal Hint System- hints for games
- you can be good even if your motivations or feelings are "wrong"
- anti-capitalist affirmations
- A beginner's guide to gardening
- MeetWays- enter two addresses (you and a friend's), find a place in the middle to go to
- Under the Hood Basics! Learn About the Stuff Under Your Car's Hood! (video)
- Common Car and Truck Problem Noises Translated, Explained and Diagnosed! (video)
- Animated Knots- teaches you how to tie knots with pictures
Unironically, wikiHow is a great website with step-by-step tutorials on how to do loads of things. I know we like to joke about some of the silly pictures, but the fact they include pictures in their tutorials (and the occasional video) is super useful. I reccomended it whole-heartedly.
~Mental Health~
~Physical Health~
~Sustainable Living~
~Help Others~
This is the junk drawer of links. This stuff might not have widespread appeal. But take a look if you think it'll help you.
- Am I transgender?
- Am I nonbinary?
- Agender FAQ
- Nonbinary wiki
- Strands for Trans- safe haircut places
- TopSurgery- all stuff top surgery
- The Gender Dysphoria Bible
- Pronoun Dressing Room- test some pronouns on yourself
- Transvestia- an old magazine. collection of 'em.
- Atomic Gender
- Practice With Pronouns
- Minus18's Pronoun practice game
- you are so gay
- Erin's Informed Consent HRT map
- information for trans women
- Everyone needs different size needles dependant on their body. If you are doing intramusclular injections, please make sure you have the correct needle size so it works :)
- DIY HRT Directory
- HRT cafe
- Voice
- Voice Deepening Stretches
- How to Deepen Your Voice (video)
- How to Make Your Voice Sound Deeper (video)
- How to make your voice feminine. No head voice. No falsetto. (video)
- How to Completely Feminize Your Voice
- Emma's Voice Guide (fem)
- Transfeminine Voice Guide
- Transmasc voice Rundown
- Binding
- Big boobs? Try Enell Sport High Impact Bra. I won't link anything --- just google around.
- google spreadsheet of various places to get binders
- you may be aplatonic if...
- aspec terms for beginners
- Asexual Visibility and Education Network wiki
- Sex Ed for Individuals with IDD
- Scarleteen
- Gentile- "sexplanation" game (guess the anatomy)
- Abortion.Cafe- abortion resource page
- Flag Maker
~Sex (this isn't porn.)~
- Slave Free Chocolate- ethical chocolate companies
- Food Empowerment Project
- Green America
- Use Up Leftovers- choose up to three ingredients and get a recipe
- What's in your fridge?- pick what's in your fridge and make a recipe
- Supercook- input ingredients, output recipe
- RecipeLand
- Ideas 4 Recipes- put up to five ingredients, get recipe
- Leanne Brown- cheap and/or easy recipes
- HelloFresh recipes
- Blue Apron recipes
- Gousto recipes
- Culinary Boot Camp videos
- Moribyan
- What to Eat When You Have No Food
- vegetable eating tips
- 6 ways to add egg to ramen
- ramen noodle stir fry
- egg drop ramen
- spinach ramen
- ramen noodle spaghetti
- mac and cheese ramen
- 7 mug meal recipes
- 15 min meat loaf
- nutella mug cake
- cheesecake
- omlette
~Microwave Recipes~
- potato chips
- corn on the cob
- scalloped potatoes
- rice
- fried rice
- baked potato
- caramelized onion-stuffed baked potato
- soft chicken tacos
- pancakes
- Mariyum- recipes from a palestinian home cook
- Palestine in a Dish
- FalasteeniFoodie- middle east food, has some palestinian recipes
- Olive Odyessy- palestinian olive oil (not recipes)
- Canaan Palestine- palestinian olive oil (not recipes)
~Learn About Food~
~Cabinet Assessment~
~Gen Recipes~
~Ramen Recipes~
~Mug Recipes~
~Palestinian Recipes~
- VOTE411- learn about your ballot so you can be an educated voter (in the US)
- Learn Anything
- Roadmaps- coding specific
- RefSeek- academic
- WorldCat- super library catalogue
- Springer- academic
- PDF Drive- free download PDF books
- u.s. federal science articles
- Bioline- academic
- FreeFullPDFK- academic
- Internet Archive
- The Online Books Page Book Search
- welovelmc- medical and dentistry textbooks
- Businessbooksmall- books abt business, accounting, economics, etc
- Light and Matter- physics books
- Medscape reference- diseases and conditions
- Online Mathmatics Textbooks
- Techbooksforfree
- FreeTechBooks
- Ideology- ebooks on sociology, philosphy, psychology, education, and politics
- RePEc - research papers in economics
- Shodan- devices connected to the internet
- Curlie- specialized search
- Wiby- old web search
- Marginalla- focus on non-comercial content
- Wolfram|Alpha- enter a topic and learn
- BASE- academic
- Mendeley- academic
- Atlas Obscura- world's hidden wonders
- bell¿ngcat- open source investigative journalism
- Dark Reading- cybersecurity related news
- Erin In The Morning- trans specific news
- HowStuffWorks- how stuff works... duh
- How-To Geek- tech stuff
- Morning Brew- easy to digest topical articles
- Alison
- Coursera
- DigitalDefynd
- edX
- Khan Academy
- Udemy
- Flaggle
- GeoGuessr
- Globle
- Globle Captials
- Where Taken
- Worldle
- The True Size of...
- Maps For Free
- Lizard Point Geography Quizzes
- Arabic (YouTube)
- Cantonese (pdf)
- Cantonese (pdf)
- Chinese
- German (pdf)
- Greek (pdf)
- Japanese Grammar Guide (pdf)
- Japanese for Dummies (pdf)
- Japanese language resources
- Latin (pdf)
- Portugese (pdf)
- Quenya
- Russian (pdf)
- Spanish (pdf)
- Yucatec Maya
- Sign Language stuff
- Sign Language 101 Lessons (YouTube course)
- General language learning classes and things
- Language Crush
- Readlang
- Ba Ba Dum- in browser flashcard-esque learning game
- Anki is flashcard software, here are flashcards you can download
- Google doc of learning resources
- Omniglot- encyclopedia of writing systems and languages
- Busuu
- MEGA folders
~Search Engines~
~News Sites~
~Online Courses~
- AntsCanada- ants, small animal husbandry
- Jacob Geller- humanity, art, philosophy, expiremental beauty
- Shively's Dream Chasm- nostalgia
- Sisyphus55- philosophy
- Instructables- crafts (some easier than others...)
- Craftables- online store to buy craft stuff
- Thingiverse- things to print on 3d printer (or 3d models for you to look at)
- Plushify- design plushies
- LEARN TO SEW: Level 1: Lesson 3: MACHINE STITCHING PRACTICE. Machine Basics, Seam Allowance, Corners (video)
- FreeSewing- pick a design, add your measurements, generate sewing patterns
- How to Crochet for Absolute Beginners: Part 1
- How to Knit Stitch Technique Step by Step Slowly
- Stitch Fiddle-
- Amigurumio- make custom crotchet animal patterns
- A Celebration of Women Writers
- Banned Books Online
- Bibliomania
- ChestofBooks
- Classic Bookshelf
- Classic Literature
- Fadedpage
- Fiction.US
- Foxglove- novels
- FullBooks
- Internet Archive- the GOAT !!!!!!!!
- Collection of lesbian pdfs
- LibriVox- public domain audiobooks
- Mobilism- mobile apps and ebooks
- Open Library
- Page By Page Books
- PDF Drive- free download PDF books
- Poem Hunter
- Poetry Online
- Planet Ebook
- SF & Fantasy Books Online
- The Internet Book Database of Fiction
- Wikibooks
- World eBook Library
- Writing Atlas- short stories
- Documentary Area- documentaries (warning, some are shit lol)
- Internet Archive
- The Eye- archive
- The Uncensored Library
- Flashpoint Archive- game and animation preservation
- AlternativeTo- crowdsourced software reccomendations
- Free Science
- Recommend Me A Book
- The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
I like bugs.
- Darknet Diaries- podcast. Also on Spotify.
The Privacy, Security, and OSINT Show- podcast. Also on Spotifyhe deleted his fucking podcast.- IntelTechniques by Michael Bazzell... banger website :P
- Spyware Watchdog- spyware guide
- Dig Deeper
- The Unified Kill Chain pdf
- Engage MITRE- learning adversary engagement
- Practical Networking- networking presented simply, practically, and applicably
- Crypto Museum- virtual museum of cryptography and cipher machines
- HTTP Cats- learn http codes with funny cat pictures
- Technomancy 101
- Professor Messer!!!!!!!!!! also on youtube
- Computer Network tutorials on GeekforGeeks
- News/Blogs
- Dark Reading- cybersecurity related news
- bell¿ngcat- open source investigative journalism
- Hackaday- hacking news
- Speedguide- news, routers, ports, etc
- TechTarget- cyber news
- MajorGeeks- news, software, etc. ...don't install opera browser.
- DNSstuff- reviews, opinions, and tools
- The Hacker News
- Sentinel One, also a nice little cybersecurity terminology guide
- Safety Detectives
- TrustedSec
- MITRE Enginuity- center for threat-informed defense
- Futurism- science and tech news
- Cyber Defense Magazine
- Packet Storm
- Proton- secure emailing service
- VirusTotal- check files/links for viruses
- The Paranoid's Bible: An anti-dox effort
- How Secure is My Password?
- Jotti's malware scan
- URL Expander- unshorten URLS to see wat the fuck they linkin to
- how 2 be safe on teh internets
- staying safe on the internet
- Internet Safety on 32-Bit Cafe
- Demonsaw- encrypted messaging and file transfer service
- Signal- encrypted messaging service
- What Every Site Knows About You
- Terms of Service; Didn't Read- let's you know what's in the terms in a nutshell
- OWASP Foundation- "nonprofit foundation that works to improve the security of software", and then here's the wiki for free and open software
- gpg4win
- The GNU privacy guard
- CIS Critical Security Controls- best practices
- Network Security for Beginners
- Browsers
- The Firefox Privacy Guide For Dummies- harden your firefox!
- Tor Browser- secure browser. i'll eventually add a an easy to understand guide on how to properly use tor, but please do a little research before using it!
- LibreWolf- custom OPENSOURCE firefox
- Password Generators
- Password Managers
- Bitwarden- freemium,AND OPEN SOURCE!!!
- Temp Mail
- Don't use VPN services.
- VPN - a Very Precarious Narrative
- BEST VPNs for PRIVACY in 2023 (youtube)
- TryHackMe
- Hack The Box
- Try2Hack.Me
- PentesterLab- webhacking specific
- Hacker101
- Cybrary
- EC-Council- training and certs
- GIAC- certs
- OffSec
- CyberStart
- ITFreeTraining
- Networking Academy- courses
- Root Me
- Cs4G Network Simulator- a dozen or so mini challenge games
- VulnHub
- compTIA stuff
- Security+ SY0-601 Training Course
- A+ Cert practice tests
- Network+ N10-008 Training Course
- A+ free course
- ctf stuff
- exploits/vuln databases
- Exploit Database
- CVE Details
- MetaDefender
- CVE Mitre
- Cyber Analytics Repository MITRE
- fighting malware and botnets. see MalwareBazaar (malware database), Feodo Tracker (downloadable botnet blocklist), SSLBL (downloadable ssl blocklist), URLhaus (malicious url database), ThreatFox (IOC database)
- National Vulnerability Database
- scripting/powershell/bash
- Under the Wire- powershell training
- Bash Scripting Tutorial
- Common Crawl- open repository of web crawl data
- CacheSlueth- multi decoder
- Forensically- photo forensics
- Net Tools- various tools
- Subnet Mask Cheatsheet
- Ports 1-1024
- MetaDefender
- UserAgentString- analyze user agent strings
- User Agents- "database" of user agents
- Metadata2go
- Aperi'solve- steg
- ExifShot- more metadata but this one makes it a pretty graphic for photographres :3
- Wappalyzer- find out what websites are built with (this is for web hacking)
- This Person Does Not Exist
- WPScan- wordpress site scanner. did you know wordpress is vulnerable as fuck?
- cryptography and encoding
- CyberChef- decoder tool.
- dCode- another decoder tool (personally reccomend this one)
- rot13
- cryptool-online
- Free text conversion tools
- blowfish.js
- Internet speed tests
- IP/Domain Check/Report
- AbuseIPDB- check and report sketchy IPs and domains
- Cisco Talos Intelligence
- URLVoid
- MetaDefender
- URLscan
- Robtex
- Better Whois
- Whois Lookup
- Ip Tracker
- Certificate Search- enter domain, look at certificate
- another certificate search
- LinuxQuestions- linux-specific help forum
- Chmod Calculator
- Vim Cheat Sheat
- Crontab Generator
- Linux Survival- intro to command line tutorial. interactive and good
- LinuxBabe- linux tutorials and helpful info
- UNIX/Linux Tutorial for Beginners
- Shell Scripting Tutorial
- CompTIA Linux training course (professor messerrrrrrrrrrr!)
- Linux Journey
- Distros
- Kali- cybersec specififc
- Parrot- cybersec, not a great general use system
- Mint- a great, user friendly beginner system
- REMnux- malware analysis specfific
- VM stuff
- Proxmox- practice networking
- Linux on Windows.....Windows on Linux (youtube tutorial for WSL)
- fun programs
~General Education~
The importance of commercial VPNs are overhyped. In an attempt to be more secure, all you are doing is trusting a third party with your data instead of your ISP (which isn't necessarily a bad thing! it's a nuanced issue). There are cases where VPNs are useful, such as landlocked content, getting around the occasional blocked webiste, or "hiding" your packets on a public network (this one is also tricky; packets are already encrypted unless you're using insecure protocols, which you likely aren't)... but the way VPNs are advertised are very deceptive. They're preying on the nontechincal --- but rightfully concerned --- everyman. Learn about it here:
~Hacking/Pentesting/General Cyber Training~
~Online Tools~
- OSINT tools to track you down. You cannot hide. posted by David Bombal
- pictriev- upload face, guesses age
- PimEyes- face search engine reverse image search
- Webmii- people search engine
- WhatsMyName- username lookup
- Intelius- people search engine
- social media
- IMINT-VI- image/video OSINT resource list
- OSINT Framework- resource tree
- HakByte: How to find anything on the internet with Google Dorks (video)
- Google Hacking Exploit Database
- Google Advanced Search
-'s Google Dorking Cheat Sheet: google drive & blog
- Cybrary's Cheatsheet
- Shodan- search engine for devices connected to the internet
- ADS-B Exchange- flight tracker
- Insecam- insecure webcams
- non-typical-OSINT-guide
here will go videos i find that have good information/examples of OSINT
~Resource Lists~
~Google Dorking~
some google dorking tricks work on other search engines,
but they work best on google.
~Social Skills~
~Social Engineering~
I found researching social engineering and the more logical/technical side of human social behaviors to be helpful for me to grasp how to be human. However, social engineering is a tool that can be used for bad things. Be responsible.
~Dealing with Difficulties~